A strong art program strengthens your corporate image, creates an immediate first impression with your clients, enriches the intellectual and cultural experience of the day-to-day office for employees, and perhaps is also a smart financial investment. The key element in any impressive collection is clarity of intention and message. Whether the goal is subtle, inclusive, historical, fanciful, practical, power driven or multi-faceted, once it is established, the achievement of the goal can be both joyful and rewarding.
Duval Art Consultancy understands that the key to achieving the intended goal is correct placement, scale, materials, provenance, cost and imagery of each work of art and the collection as a whole. We have at our disposal a full complement of artists, printers, framers, installers, and other professionals to purchase, create or maintain a large diversity of work at many budget levels.
Duval Art Consultancy works with clients to identify and purchase works of art for professional and personal environments. We consult closely with each client in order to understand their particular interests and needs as well as those of their organization. Our complementary skills of art curatorship and interior design enable us to powerfully effect environments by placing the right works of art in the most advantageous locations.
Duval Art Consultancy maintains relationships with an extensive number of working artists and galleries. Additionally we monitor the auction markets and visit the international art fairs. These practices keep us up to date with both purchasing options as well as current market values.
Duval Art Consultancy is equally able to advise on the purchase of a single work of art as well as the creation of an entire collection. We have commissioned site specific works for a variety of environments.
Our standard services include:
Consultation with client to understand interests and needs
Assessment of locations for potential art installation
Researching purchase options
Identifying works to be purchased
Selecting and coordinating framing
Negotiating purchase price and purchasing
Arranging for shipment and delivery
Overseeing the installation of work(s)
We offer the following additional services:
Survey of existing collection
Advising on rehanging of existing works to maximize benefit
Selecting and coordinating framing of existing work
Installation Services
Feng Shui analysis
Duval Art Consultancy works primarily on a commission-based payment structure. When purchasing through a gallery, dealer, or directly from the artist, we are compensated by the vendor as a percentage of the purchase price. This compensation covers all of our standard services.
For projects in which we are asked to provide additional services, we charge a fee either at our standard hourly rate or in an agreed upon lump sum corresponding with our estimate of the time required to complete the request.
New York
Hudson Valley Office
107 East Meadowbrook Lane
Staatsburg, NY 12580
T (845) 677-4255
F (845) 231-6083
1420 Locust Street, Suite 310
Philadelphia, PA 19102
T (215) 557-0700